Thursday, 11 March 2010

We interrupt this broadcast...

Erk! I've just discovered that 23 things finishes on Friday 9 April! In order to qualify for the £10 Amazon voucher you need to have completed all 23 things before then. Stress!

Work-wise, I'm probably busier now than I've been in a long time, so the timing couldn't be worse. A £10 Amazon voucher would certainly be very nice, but that's not the only reason I want to do this. I really enjoy blogging and I'm enjoying learning new Web 2.0 skills, so it's not entirely motivated by greed - honest!

In order to cover all 23 bases, I think my 23 places might have to take a place on the back-burner. Sob! I've really enjoyed doing it, but there are only so many hours in the day, mores the pity. I'll definitely come back to it, though. Web 2.0 tricks aside, my blog's been a bit like an online journal and I like dreaming about wonderful places to run off to. If and when I complete my 23 things, I plan on maintaining and adding more to it.


  1. Aw shame, I've enjoyed reading your places posts as well! But we're hoping that even if people can't complete everything by the deadline for the voucher, that they'll still go on and look at some of the things they missed afterwards. The main 23 Things blog will remain active for that very reason, and of course the participants can keep theirs up or not as they choose!

  2. Thanks, Jane! I'm glad you enjoyed them. Maybe if I organise my time a bit better I can try and do both! I just noticed the end date yesterday and panicked a bit!
