Thursday 15 April 2010

Thing 21: Use a blogger gadget

Good skills! I'm really keen on learning how to do this, especially for my personal blog. I've never really explored the 'dashboard' section of my blog and can see that there's lots of opportunities for really personalizing it, which is nice.

Only trouble is that my photos aren't visible! What am I doing wrong?! I don't understand. I'm very conscious that today's the last day of 23 things and really want to ensure that I tie up all loose ends... eek! I might give Jane R a call or drop her an email and see what she says. The only place I can identify where I might be going wrong is the field where you're required to enter your Flickr username. I assume this is the name that you're greeted with when you're "home" and the space at the top of the page where it reads "signed in as xxxxx". But still, nothing!

What to do? To be continued...


  1. You are right, the gadget wants the name that Flickr greets you with when you log in. They must match exactly -

    One possible problem: if you have the security settings on Flickr set not to share your photos, that will stop them appearing on the blog, you might check those...

  2. Aha! I think it's the latter! Thanks loads for your speedy response, Penny - much appreciated.
