Wednesday, 14 April 2010

Thing 19: Create a Google document

Hmmm... Google documents is a bit of a sore point for me. I spent two very long days back in January uploading over 150 documents onto Google docs for the bsf-pg group. The group decided to do this as an external consultant and other non-Bodleian folk were heavily involved in the group, so saving documents to the Q drive meant limited access for significant team members. Unfortunately, many people have encountered problems accessing the blessed site, meaning that all my hard work has gone entirely to waste... it's always frustrating when you put your faith in technology only for it to fail you. Some of the difficulties we’ve encountered include:

- group members not receiving the Google docs invitations. As a result, we’ve resorted to sending invitations to the space to people’s personal or home email addresses. I think that the Bodleian Libraries’ spam filter is particularly potent, as this isn’t the first time emails have failed to come through

- group members receiving invitations only to find the space ‘blank’ or empty files

It’s a real shame when those people who are reluctant to embrace new technologies are proved right, as I think the Internet is a marvellous thing with lots of potential to assist rather than hinder people. We’ve also been having lots of problems using our CDC wiki as Wetpaint won’t allow existing users to extend invitations to people who are not already members. For anyone who’s been experiencing similar problems with Wetpaint, you can read more about the problems here.


On another note, can anyone tell me what the default font is in Blogger? I like the default font, but I cut and pasted some text from a Word document into this post and have been through all the font options trying to find the default without success. When I've tried to change the font, it seems to select different sections of text at random, despite highlighting the entire text. I've kept it this way to demonstrate the problem.

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