Thursday, 15 April 2010

23 things: DENIED

I've really enjoyed doing 23 things, but I've just been told that the official finish date was last week (Thursday 8 April) - I even wrote a post about this, so there's no-one to blame but myself. For some reason, I'd got it in my head that the deadline was today but Laura Wilkinson has just broken the bad news. I've spent so much time and energy doing the 23 things only to find that I'm just too late.

Gutted doesn't cover it.


  1. Hi Jo,
    The finish date of Friday 9th April was mentioned in the About 23 Things blog post which you read as part of Thing 1, in the Outline intro article in January and in a 23 Things blog post near the end of March.
    The main reasons for having a cut-off date were so the organisers knew how long they would be committing to the project, and so we could make arrangements for prizes and certificates to be arranged between the closing date and the prizegiving ceremony.
    The 23 Things Team have tried their best to keep you informed and I hope you can appreciate the difference between missing the deadline and being denied completion.
    I've enjoyed following your blog and hope you feel you have benefited from and enjoyed taking part in the programme.

  2. So sorry you ended up missing the deadline, but really hope you enjoyed the programme and found it useful. I've enjoyed following your blog!

  3. Laura: not suggesting that it's anyone else's fault (see above post!). Just a shame that I got the dates confused.

    Jane: cheers :)
