Thursday, 25 February 2010

Thing 7: Create a flickr account

So, here's a screenshot from my photostream, having uploaded some pics to flickr.

I had a dormant flickr account which I've successfully revitalised - something I'm very pleased about! I love photographs and joining flickr to check out a pal's pics was my original motivation for joining. I'd never uploaded any of my own pics, however, and I was pleased to find it very straightforward. I was a bit baffled by all the different licensing options regarding copyright and have now pulled my head out of the sand long enough to seriously consider how I'd feel if someone snaffled my pics. Pretty cross, actually, yet I'm guilty of doing this quite frequently (usually through Google Images, rather than flickr, however). It doesn't seem very fair to steal other people's pics and this is my major reservation about using flickr. I'm sure there's an option which enables me to retain copyright on pics; I just haven't found the time or the inclination to read the small print, yet. Even if I did tick the relevant box, surely it would simply be a case of right-clicking and saving any pic I took a fancy to? I'm also making a huge assumption that anyone would actually want to snaffle my pics. Ha! The arrogance!

I do love any site which enables users to share, however, especially with something like photographs. Maybe the generic setting for people uploading pics should be for all pics to be copyright, unless otherwise stated. Maybe this option's already available and I just haven't done my homework? I need to catch up!!


  1. The default option is copyright (all rights reserved) though as you say it doesn't actually prevent anyone right-clicking and downloading. If you're concerned about that then what you can do is only upload small or low-res versions of your photos, which at least means that people can't snaffle your nice quality ones and therefore they'll be less attractive. The other option that some people choose is to watermark them, either in photoshop or similar before uploading, or you could take your photos directly through to Picnik and do it there.
